Recovery from pandemic-related burn-out needs lasting systemic solutions.

Learn how Quan’s science-backed approach can help your team recover now

A week off is nice, but how do you support your employees long term?

The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has highlighted the urgent need for companies to address employee health and well-being.

There is clear evidence that teams face an increased danger of burnout due to coronavirus crisis – A study of global employees found that the mental health of almost 42% of respondents had declined since the outbreak began.*

Quan has compiled the conclusions from more than 150+ scientific and academic papers, spoken to over 50 global experts (including doctors, psychologists and therapists) to identify 50 sub-dimensions of well-being and 250 predictors.

Our key finding is that it starts with self-awareness and it takes targeted self-care for someone to improve their well-being.

Are you training your employees to cope in this critical transition to a new way of working?

*The other COVID-19 crisis: Mental health, Qualtrics, April 2020